InvestNow News 26th July – Pathfinder – Monthly Review – June 2019

“We are doing great Economically as a Country, Number One, despite the FED’s antiquated policy on rates and tightening…”  President Donald Trump – July 15 2019 – Twitter


Massive news for Pathfinder. For the past 9 months the team has been hard at work creating New Zealand’s newest KiwiSaver Scheme. We are immensely proud to launch CareSaver; we call it CareSaver because it?s for Kiwis who care about our planet and its people. It’s also for Kiwis who care about investing wisely for their retirement.

As with all Pathfinder products the focus is ethical investing. We have added new goals with CareSaver including; reducing carbon intensity (we are 64% lower than the global equity index), at least one female director on the board of NZX listed companies and positive investment themes (including renewable energy, water and forestry).

We are very excited about this product which we will be running as a social enterprise model. We have partnered with 17 awesome charities (that our investors can choose from) and we will donate 20% of our management fee each year.

Speaking of low-carbon investments. Big oil companies are still late to the game when it comes to shifting their businesses towards a sustainable future. Data from the investment research firm CDPshowsthat major European oil companies are only allocating a fraction of the budgets to low carbon investments, around 7% of capital expenditures last year. This is a disappointing statistic that justifies our zero exposure to the traditional energy sector in the CareSaver portfolios.

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