InvestNow News – 9th April – AMP Capital – Top sustainable & ESG issues for 2020

7th April – Rebekah Swan – ESG Investment Specialist, NZ / Client Advocate / Head of Product

As long-term investors, environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are crucial. They affect the way we invest and inform our global engagement agenda. Each year we select engagement themes based on their financial materiality, our previous engagement with companies and where we believe we can have the greatest impact.  They are also the issues we understand to be most important to our clients.

AMP Capital’s commitment to ESG is evident through the work carried out by the Global Sustainable Investment Team on behalf of our clients. The Sydney-based team researches a broad range of ESG issues, exercises voting rights, and engages directly with companies on issues of concern that may arise.

Engagement is a vital tool in managing risk and building relationships with the executives and board members of companies. AMP Capital prides itself on its strong commitment to engagement with companies on issues of concern on an ongoing basis. While the topics discussed vary from company to company, recurring themes have been gender diversity, environmental and social responsibility, executive pay, and the management of ESG risks, such as safety, cyber security, conduct and compliance.

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