InvestNow News – 16th October – Platinum Asset Management – Macro Overview – September 2020

InvestNow News – 16th October – Platinum Asset Management – Macro Overview – September 2020

Article written by Andrew Clifford, Platinum Asset Management – 14th October 2020

Over the last three months, stock markets have continued to rally strongly as economic activity started to recover from the depths of the COVID-induced recession. As a result of the lockdowns that have been put in place to control the spread of the virus, there have been significant changes in spending and working patterns across […]
By |2020-10-16T08:16:03+13:00October 16th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 16th October – AMP Capital – The energy transition in Europe

InvestNow News – 16th October – AMP Capital – The energy transition in Europe

Article written by Giuseppe Corona, AMP Capital – 6th October 2020

We believe energy will be both a challenge and an opportunity in the next 30 years. While in the past the focus was on the safety of supply and cost, we have now understood the price to pay for pollution. The headline issue is carbon emissions. Cutting down these […]

By |2020-10-16T11:39:29+13:00October 16th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 16th October – AMP Capital – Positive shift in the responsible investment landscape

InvestNow News – 16th October – AMP Capital – Positive shift in the responsible investment landscape

Article written by Rebekah Swan, AMP Capital – 21st September 2020

I always look forward to the launch of the annual Responsible Investment Benchmark report in New Zealand and seeing how the country is progressing on its responsible investment journey. The report is produced by the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA) each year and provides a unique […]

By |2020-10-16T07:52:29+13:00October 16th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 9th October – ANZ Investments – The Weekly Snapshot – 5 October

InvestNow News – 9th October – ANZ Investments – The Weekly Snapshot – 5 October

Article written by ANZ – 5th October 2020

Global equity markets finished higher last week, but a Friday sell-off saw some gains for the week trimmed. In particular, the NASDAQ 100, which finished 2.2% lower on Friday, but still rose around 2% over the week. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average both gained around 1.5%.

Australasian equities were mixed with the NZX 50 finishing up […]

By |2020-10-09T09:27:51+13:00October 9th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 9th October – Pie Funds – CIO Report: Growth vs value stocks – what’s best?

InvestNow News – 9th October – Pie Funds – CIO Report: Growth vs value stocks – what’s best?

Article written by Mark Devcich, Pie Funds – 7th October 2020

Chief Investment Officer Mark Devcich discusses growth vs value stocks.

Stock picks: Growth versus value

The markets took a breather in September after five months of relentless gains. This period has been a great time to be an active manager as there has been wide dispersion in the market between the winners and losers in […]

By |2020-10-09T09:11:09+13:00October 9th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 9th October – Pie Funds – A Message from Mike: Trump’s Big Covid Fight

InvestNow News – 9th October – Pie Funds – A Message from Mike: Trump’s Big Covid Fight

Article written by Mike Taylor, Pie Funds – 7th October 2020

Markets jumpy as election looms

As we go to print, US President Donald Trump has contracted Covid-19 and is in hospital as a precaution. We would never wish ill on anyone, and hope he makes a speedy recovery – just stay off the bleach would be my advice. Despite the fact Trump regularly asserts himself […]

By |2020-10-09T08:55:55+13:00October 9th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 2nd October – ANZ Investments – The Weekly Snapshot – 28 September 2020

InvestNow News – 2nd October – ANZ Investments – The Weekly Snapshot – 28 September 2020

Article written by ANZ – 28th September 2020

International markets continued to weaken last week with the U.S. S&P 500 falling for the fourth straight week. The index fell 0.6% last week although it is still up 3.5% year to date. The technology laden Nasdaq index did however manage a small weekly gain. European markets were sharply lower on concerns that increases in COVID-19 cases will lead […]

By |2020-10-02T09:00:29+13:00October 2nd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 2nd October – ANZ Investments – The month ahead – October 2020

InvestNow News – 2nd October – ANZ Investments – The month ahead – October 2020

Article written by ANZ – 25th September 2020

Equity markets ran out of steam in September, as the six-month rally began to fade amid a small rise in volatility and a pickup in geopolitical tensions. With a few days left in September, the S&P 500 is down around 5% on the month and on track to snap a five-month win streak, while the once high-flying NASDAQ 100 is […]

By |2020-10-02T08:50:50+13:00October 2nd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 2nd October – Platinum Asset Management – Lifestyle Shift & Urban Flight Spurs Change in Home Spend

InvestNow News – 2nd October – Platinum Asset Management – Lifestyle Shift & Urban Flight Spurs Change in Home Spend

Article written by James Foreman, Platinum Asset Management – 28th September 2020

Since the onset of the coronavirus, more people are working from home, and while there will likely be a large-scale return to the office as the health risk subsides, the pandemic is expected to have a lasting effect on flexible working arrangements.

A recent survey across Europe by Morgan Stanley […]

By |2020-10-02T08:21:31+13:00October 2nd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 2nd October – Russell Investments – 2020 Global Market Outlook – Q4 update: The Old New Cycle

InvestNow News – 2nd October – Russell Investments – 2020 Global Market Outlook – Q4 update: The Old New Cycle

Article written by Russell Investments – 28th September 2020


2020 continues to surprise. A pandemic, the shutdown of the global economy, the deepest recession since the 1930s, a global equity market collapse and now, record highs for the U.S. equity market. The upcoming U.S. election is shaping up as a tight contest, with the potential for more surprises and market volatility.

We’re in the […]

By |2020-10-02T12:02:16+13:00October 2nd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments