InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Portfolio Watch – April 2020

InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Portfolio Watch – April 2020

Vicky and Warren Potter from the NZ Fixed Income team were also guests for the April edition of Portfolio Watch, our monthly webinar. They joined regular hosts Bevan Graham (NZ Managing Director and Chief Economist) and Greg Fleming (Head of Investment Strategy) to provide a fixed income perspective.

By |2020-04-24T11:28:15+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Cash, NZ Fixed Income and NZ Short Duration funds quarterly update

InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Cash, NZ Fixed Income and NZ Short Duration funds quarterly update

Vicky Hyde-Smith, Head of NZ Fixed Income, provides a short update on AMP Capital’s Cash, NZ Fixed Income and NZ Short Duration funds for the March 2020 quarter.

The quarter saw significant moves in bond yields, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the GFC, and a collapse in oil prices added to investors’ woes. Initially interest rates moved sharply lower, completely reversing the December […]

By |2020-04-24T11:26:02+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Global Listed Infrastructure quarterly update

InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Global Listed Infrastructure quarterly update

Joseph Titmus, Portfolio Manager/Analyst, provides a short update on the AMP Capital Global Listed Infrastructure Fund for the March 2020 quarter.

The start of 2020 was significantly challenging one for financial markets and global listed infrastructure was no exception. The month of March was particularly painful for almost all asset classes as COVID-19 spread rapidly around the world and governments reacted by enacting lockdowns. With concerns surrounding the economic impact of […]

By |2020-04-24T11:22:07+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Navigating the ‘new normal’ – managing client capital in times of extreme volatility

InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Navigating the ‘new normal’ – managing client capital in times of extreme volatility

You might also be interested in a recent webinar James Maydew presented on. In this he discusses the impacts of COVID-19 on real estate, how AMP Capital are managing their listed real estate investments on behalf of clients during this period, and our outlook on global listed real estate in a world post-COVID-19.

Watch the presentation here > […]

By |2020-04-24T11:11:02+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Global Property Securities Fund quarterly update

InvestNow News – 24th April – AMP Capital – Global Property Securities Fund quarterly update

James Maydew, Head of Global Listed Real Estate, provides an update on the AMP Capital Global Property Securities Fund for the March 2020 quarter.

Performance in all risk assets has been challenging in the first three months of 2020 and listed real estate is no different. The economic fallout we are seeing on a week by week basis, and will continue to see in the weeks and months to come, is unprecedented.

Coming […]

By |2020-04-24T11:08:27+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 24th April – Legg Mason – The Unintended Consequences of Covid-19

InvestNow News – 24th April – Legg Mason – The Unintended Consequences of Covid-19

13 April 2020 – Tracy Chen, CFA, CAIA

The COVID-19 outbreak is a classic black swan event, in that it came out of the blue, and the global economy will not be the same even when it fades away.

The virus disrupted the intricate workings of globalisation that we took for granted over the past four decades. The pandemic exposed how vulnerable the foundation of the global economy is, which was […]

By |2020-04-28T13:43:10+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 24th April – Russell Investments – Fact Sheets March 2020

InvestNow News – 24th April – Russell Investments – Fact Sheets March 2020

By |2020-04-24T10:57:14+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 24th April – Harbour – Listed Property – Known knowns, and known unknowns

InvestNow News – 24th April – Harbour – Listed Property – Known knowns, and known unknowns

April 21st 2020 – Shane Solly

Key Points

  • Listed property assets have not yet fully recovered.
  • Diverse impact of COVID-19 may create investment opportunities.
  • A wide range of outcomes are possible, and we review current evidence on rental abatements and deferrals.
  • It is reasonable to assume rentals falling by between -5% for industrial assets, through to -20% plus for secondary retail malls.
  • Banks have been supportive […]
By |2020-04-28T13:38:12+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 24th April – Morphic – Fire the Epidemiologist, Hire a Shrink

InvestNow News – 24th April – Morphic – Fire the Epidemiologist, Hire a Shrink

April 22nd 2020

Last month has been world-changing, and it’s not over yet.

With the caveat that I do shares and stocks, not viruses, one thing that I have found fascinating is the similarities between epidemiology and investing.

First, both are based on statistics and forecasts unlike say chemistry. In investing there are always a range of potential paths to which you have to assign probabilities, and those paths change […]

By |2020-04-28T13:43:48+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 24th April – Vanguard – Economic and market update – April 2020

InvestNow News – 24th April – Vanguard – Economic and market update – April 2020

April 22nd 2020

Key points:

  • Vanguard continues to anticipate the sharpest global recession in recent history.
  • Despite China’s GDP contracting 6.8% in the first quarter in 2020, Vanguard cautions against reading too much into this figure for its global or its domestic implications.
  • The coronavirus outbreak threatens to drag Australia to two consecutive quarters of economic contraction for the first time in nearly 30 years.
  • Vanguard’s 10-year […]
By |2020-04-28T13:44:22+12:00April 24th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments