InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Vanguard – A sharp (and we hope short) contraction

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Vanguard – A sharp (and we hope short) contraction

22 Mar 2020 – Joe Davis, Vanguard global chief economist

In only a few months, COVID-19 has spread around the world. The extreme measures being taken to protect us, to combat the disease’s spread, should be positive for public health. But such a step necessarily involves a trade-off. In appropriately prioritizing human health, we in essence must shut down large swaths of the economy, closing schools and businesses and […]

By |2020-03-27T14:13:37+13:00March 27th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – AMP Capital – Value rapidly building in markets, but investors need more to be sure

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – AMP Capital – Value rapidly building in markets, but investors need more to be sure

24th March – Greg Fleming, Head of Investment Strategy

“ … Probability is the only mathematical tool available to help map the unknown and the uncontrollable. It is fortunate that this tool, while tricky, is extraordinarily powerful and convenient for those who are able to deploy it. (Benoit Mandelbrot, the founder of fractal theory) … “

The substantial, and in many markets unprecedently-fast, falls in […]

By |2020-03-27T14:04:14+13:00March 27th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Milford – Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) and government responses

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Milford – Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) and government responses

17th March – Wayne Gentle – Chief Investment Officer & Head of Australian Investments

We appreciate many of you will be feeling unsettled by the current and unfolding situation impacting our lives and the world’s financial markets. We want to keep you informed of this fast-moving situation which is receiving a very high level of media coverage.

Since our update last week, markets have continued to experience heightened levels of […]

By |2020-03-27T14:00:25+13:00March 27th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – AMP Capital – Impact of Covid-19 on domestic share market

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – AMP Capital – Impact of Covid-19 on domestic share market

23rd March 2020 – Daniel Mead Investment Research Manager – Wellington

The implications of a global pandemic are far reaching. What started as a virus outbreak and tragic loss of life quickly morphed into a Chinese supply shock, then rapidly became a global demand shock sharply impacting consumer spending habits. The flow on effect is now hitting businesses as they adjust to the ever fluid environment, […]

By |2020-03-27T13:56:32+13:00March 27th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – AMP Capital – RBNZ goes all in: announcing QE

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – AMP Capital – RBNZ goes all in: announcing QE

23rd March 2020 – Carrick Lucas – Portfolio Manager Wellington

The RBNZ today announced it would purchase up to NZ$30bn of NZ Government bonds over the next 12 months as part of a  “Large Scale Asset Purchase Programme” (LSAP) – also known as quantitative easing (or QE).

This follows similar actions by central banks across the globe in an effort to keep bond yields low and support wider […]

By |2020-03-27T13:50:21+13:00March 27th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 20th Mar 20 – Russell Investments – Market Update

InvestNow News – 20th Mar – Russell Investments – Market Update

16th March

At 8am this morning, the RBNZ cut the overnight cash rate to 0.25% (from 1%) and the US Fed cut rates to 0% and introduced a QE5 (Quantitative Easing) package of US$500 billion in Treasuries and $200 billion in Mortgage-Backed Securities. For comparison, the first package of QE in 2008 was US$600 billion.

Starting with the RBNZ, this (up until the Fed announcement) was quite a […]

By |2020-03-20T10:56:53+13:00March 20th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 20th Mar 20 – Russell Investments – Fact Sheets – February 2020

InvestNow News – 20th Mar – Russell Investments – Fact Sheets – February 2020

Feb 2020 Fact Sheets are available below:

By |2020-03-20T10:56:32+13:00March 20th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 20th Mar 20 – Pathfinder – Monthly Newsletter – February 2020

InvestNow News – 20th Mar – Pathfinder – Monthly Newsletter – February 2020

“We are doing very precise medical screenings at our airports. Pardon the interruptions and delays, we are moving as quickly as possible, but it is very important that we be vigilant and careful. We must get it right. Safety first!”  Donald Trump on Coronavirus containment measures

Market Commentary

Before we move onto market commentary, there has been a milestone development in the KiwiSaver industry.

In a bold call from our government, from 2021 […]

By |2020-03-20T15:30:44+13:00March 20th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 20th Mar 20 – Harbour – How vulnerable is our housing market?

InvestNow News – 20th Mar – Harbour – How vulnerable is our housing market?

18th March 2020 – Mark Brown

Key Points

  • Housing affordability continues to be a major challenge for many households. Initiatives to increase supply and to manage risks to the financial system have helped to contain house price rises, but they have not been able to hold the market back from strong price gains across the country. Our analysis had suggested that house prices could keep rising in the near term, […]
By |2020-03-20T10:56:12+13:00March 20th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 20th Mar 20 – India Avenue – Feb Factsheet

InvestNow News – 20th Mar – India Avenue – Feb Factsheet

In this month’s Fact Sheet, we cover the following:

  • The Fund delivered 11.6% over the last 12 months beating its benchmark net of fees by 0.3%.
  • We discuss how India is placed economically during the current crises and put long term wealth creation in India’s equity markets into perspective
  • We highlight that the market sell-off is providing us an opportunity to incrementally buy India’s high quality, sustainable franchises at reasonable prices
  • Myth busting Indian Rupee volatility. […]
By |2020-03-20T10:56:21+13:00March 20th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments