InvestNow News – 9th July – Pie Funds – A Message from Mike: Focus on the future

InvestNow News – 9th July – Pie Funds – A Message from Mike: Focus on the future

Article written by Mike Taylor, Pie Funds – 8th July 2021

This month CEO and Founder Mike Taylor discusses his outlook for the remainder of the year.

Markets turn to growth and long-term rates fall

Pie’s funds had a strong month, boosted by the swing from value to growth in markets. The US 10-year Treasury curve has flattened by 36 bps since March, which is favourable for […]

By |2021-07-09T09:01:19+12:00July 9th, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 2nd July – Harbour Asset Management – Back to Core Banking

InvestNow News – 2nd July – Harbour Asset Management – Back to Core Banking

Article written by Andrew Bascand, Harbour Asset Management – 1st July 2021

A virtual tour through Australian banking issues

  • More tailwinds for the banking sector
  • Medium term, the banking sector faces pressure to continue to invest heavily in their digital consumer platforms
  • Differentiated strategies are appearing as banks rebuild their client focus

Bank shares have just had their best annual performance in more than two decades. Share prices have been […]

By |2021-07-02T10:39:03+12:00July 2nd, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 2nd July – Platinum Asset Management – China’s Societal Change: Centralised Command and Capitalist Entrepreneurs

InvestNow News – 2nd July – Platinum Asset Management – China’s Societal Change: Centralised Command and Capitalist Entrepreneurs

Article written by Cameron Robertson, Platinum Asset Management – 29th June 2021

The focus and behaviour of commentators and investors often reflect their assumed knowledge and individual experience. These factors, if not guarded against, create natural biases that are not easy to overcome. Perhaps, this is no more apparent than in investor sentiment towards China today.

Below, we explore a number of observable social […]

By |2021-07-02T10:08:08+12:00July 2nd, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 25th June – Platinum Asset Management – Milk: A Nourishing Option for Investors

InvestNow News – 25th June – Platinum Asset Management – Milk: A Nourishing Option for Investors

Article written by James Foreman, Platinum Asset Management – 21st June 2021

The milk, yoghurt, cheese and dairy industry might be viewed as well-established, perhaps even dull, but it actually has rather a lot going on. On a per capita basis, Australians consume about 97 litres (L) of milk per year, along with 14 kilograms (kgs) of cheese and 9 kgs of yoghurt.[1] We drink more milk […]
By |2021-06-25T07:50:43+12:00June 25th, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 25th June – Harbour Asset Management – Harbour’s Environmental, Social and Governance policy

InvestNow News – 25th June – Harbour Asset Management – Harbour’s Environmental, Social and Governance policy

Article written by Jorge Waayman, Harbour Asset Management – 22nd June 2021


Harbour’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policy encompasses our approach to responsible investing including integration into our investment decision making process, stewardship practices and industry engagement. This policy has now been updated to reflect our constantly evolving approach with key developments such as a new section on sustainability outcomes, our guiding principles on proxy […]

By |2021-07-22T12:43:50+12:00June 25th, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 25th June – Fisher Funds – PAY DOWN EXTRA ON THE MORTGAGE OR INVEST? – The million-dollar question

InvestNow News – 25th June – Fisher Funds – PAY DOWN EXTRA ON THE MORTGAGE OR INVEST? – The million-dollar question

Article written by Nicholas Smith, Fisher Funds – 22nd June 2021

So, you’ve got some extra cash each month – maybe from a pay rise or an expense that has reduced (the kids have finally moved out!). First off – that’s great news! You’re now ready to start directing that extra income surplus somewhere. But should you pay down the mortgage or […]

By |2021-06-25T07:48:33+12:00June 25th, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 18th June – Pie Funds – Why is Europe such a hot market?

InvestNow News – 18th June – Pie Funds – Why is Europe such a hot market?

Article written by Guy Thornewill, Pie Funds – 17th June 2021

The European Central Bank (ECB) now predicts a decent boost in economic activity for Quarter 2. What’s driving growth in Europe? Guy Thornewill, Pie’s Head of Research UK & Europe and Senior Investment Analyst, based between London and France, explains.

What’s driving the growth in Europe?
The mass vaccination programme in Europe has finally started picking up speed […]

By |2021-07-22T15:20:28+12:00June 18th, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 18th June – Pie Funds – 3 reasons why Pie doesn’t invest in cryptocurrency

InvestNow News – 18th June – Pie Funds – 3 reasons why Pie doesn’t invest in cryptocurrency

Article written by Mike Taylor, Pie Funds – 8th June 2021

The crypto craze is prompting many to try their hand to make money. Pie Funds CEO and Founder Mike Taylor explains why Pie doesn’t invest in cryptocurrency.

The hype around cryptocurrency has risen significantly in the past 12 months, capturing the attention of many Kiwis. I get asked regularly what my views are on Bitcoin and […]

By |2021-07-22T15:21:05+12:00June 18th, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 11th June – Salt Funds Management – Income Investment Funds: Taking up the strain?

InvestNow News – 11th June – Salt Funds Management – Income Investment Funds: Taking up the strain?

Article written by Greg Fleming, Salt Funds Management – June 2021

Income is a problem in New Zealand, and not just in the sense of investment income. Its adequacy to meeting an investor’s needs is nowadays constantly in doubt. Capital gain or growth, by contrast, has been the primary wealth accumulator for most of the last decade. In the broader New Zealand framework, this is arguably […]

By |2021-08-05T10:46:18+12:00June 11th, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 11th June – Pie Funds – CIO Report: Pressure on growth stocks

InvestNow News – 11th June – Pie Funds – CIO Report: Pressure on growth stocks

Article written by Mark Devcich, Pie Funds – 8th June 2021

Chief Investment Officer Mark Devcich discusses the latest market conditions.

May was a difficult month for many of the Australasian funds with the global funds faring better.

EML Payments, the largest and a longstanding position across our funds, had an unexpected regulatory investigation announcement regarding the activities of an acquisition they made last year in Ireland. Unfortunately, EML […]

By |2021-08-05T10:49:38+12:00June 11th, 2021|Fund Manager News|0 Comments