InvestNow News 10th May – Antipodes – An Introduction to the Antipodes Global Fund
May 2016
An interview with Jacob Mitchell, CIO of Antipodes Partners Limited. The interview discusses the investment strategy, philosophy and key facts behind Antipodes Global Fund.
This is a few years old, but nonetheless still worth a watch if you want to learn more about the Antipodes Global Fund.
InvestNow News 10th May – AMP Capital – Market Watch – May 2019
7th May 2019 – Market Watch, with Greg Fleming (Head of Investment Strategy):
Greg rounds up what was a good month for asset returns, particularly across growth asset classes. He also looks ahead at potential rate cuts here and across the Tasman and the direction of both currencies, as well as previewing the upcoming Federal election in Australia. With geopolitical noise back in the frame, particularly the trade stand-off between the US and China, global risk appetite may be […]
InvestNow News 10th May – Harbour Outlook – More Bright Spots Emerge
8th May 2019
Key points
- Global share markets continued their rally in April, reflecting stronger global economic data and US corporate earnings
- Global economic data picked up in April, led by China and the US, while Europe showed signs of improvement, albeit off a low base
- US earnings season quashed fears of an earnings recession. At the time of writing, 390 companies in the S&P 500 had reported earnings, with 293 (75%) of them beating consensus earnings […]
InvestNow News 10th May – AMP Capital – Quarterly Responsible Investing Update
31st March 2019 – Engagement update
Australia’s Modern Slavery Act passed into law in 2018, requiring Australian companies to start examining the human impacts of their supply chains. RIL managers have been talking to companies as they work through the implications for their business. Our managers have been asking companies to detect and address modern slavery in their supply chains for some time, so the legislative requirement is a positive development.
In the aftermath of the allegations raised in the Royal […]
InvestNow News 10th May – Morphic – Monthly Report – April 2019
April 2019 – Ethical Investing in Focus
The fight against climate change has never been more critical and every Earth Day on 22nd of April reminds us that we all share in the responsibility to protect and preserve the planet. This year’s focus was the protection of threatened and endangered species. Wherever natural resources are exploited, one can observe a deteriorating natural environment. Aside from the moral implications of destroying the home of our fellow species, this […]
InvestNow News 10th May – Mint – Portfolio Returns & Commentaries – April 2019
The NZ share market rose 1.7% in April and Australia rose 2.4%, following strong performance by overseas markets, with the US market up 4.0%, Germany +7.1%, France +4.9% and Japan +5.0%. Bond yields rose a little following the sharp drop in March. Reasonable economic data, a strong company reporting season in the USA, and increasing confidence in the prospects of a trade deal between the USA and […]
InvestNow News 3rd May – AMP Capital – Quarterly Strategic Outlook April 2019
April 2019
The global economy is facing headwinds and tailwinds. The key headwind is the politics of trade and the agonisingly slow progress being made in resolving outstanding tensions. The tailwind is that labour markets are thus far still in good shape, employment growth remains robust and wage growth is nudging higher.
We are currently expecting global GDP growth of 3.4% in 2019, down on the 3.7% achieved in 2018, so we are clearly past the peak in the cycle. […]