InvestNow News 22nd Feb – Russell – Fact Sheets
Please see the links below for your fund fact sheets for January 2019:
InvestNow News 22nd Feb – Nikko – Investment Update Jan 2019
Market Commentary
Markets are fickle things, just last month we were observing the strong forces of sentiment which can have a material impact on how securities are priced and traded on any given day, and that during the latter part of 2018 a combination of fundamental factors and market sentiment had led to equity markets in particular experiencing some sizable falls.
Clearly, a number of market participants saw this […]
InvestNow News 22nd Feb – Pathfinder – January 2019 Update
“The darkest hour is just before the dawn”
Attributed to Thomas Fuller back in 1650 – an English theologian and historian. While this is well understood metaphorically, there’s a lot of (largely pointless) argument around whether it is literally true that the darkest hour is in fact just before dawn.
InvestNow News 22nd Feb – Morphic – ESG Ratings – No Quick Fixes
Many investors who consider ESG issues are increasingly looking for data providers to give stocks a rating as a quick fix to make their portfolio ESG compliant. Could it be that easy?
Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.
Attributed to Albert Einstein
InvestNow News 22nd Feb – Legg Mason – The Fed: humbled by a trip to the wood shed
The latest thought piece from Francis Scotland, Director of Macro Research at Brandywine Global.
Francis highlights the recent change in rhetoric from the Fed and what this may mean for future policy decisions in the US and also highlights the change in direction of Chinese policy after the slowdown in 2018.
US monetary policy announcements can be cryptic at times. Not so the last […]
InvestNow News 22nd Feb – Elevation – Monthly Update – January 2019
The monthly update for the Elevation Capital Value Fund is available here.
InvestNow News 22nd Feb – AMP – Brexit – scenarios, next steps & implications
The Brexit date is fast approaching (29 March) but the future of the UK/EU relationship is still uncertain. Diana Mousina, Senior Economist, AMP Capital Australia, looks at what the next steps are for the UK before the Brexit deadline and what the future of the UK and Euro area economies look like […]
Cost, confusion, complexity: what Cullen’s CGT means for fund investors
Cost, confusion and complexity – What Cullen’s CGT means for fund investors
21 February 2019 – Anthony Edmonds, MD Implemented Investment Solutions
The Tax Working Group (TWG) proposals released this morning would skew New Zealand investors away from local assets, distort the KiwiSaver market and mangle the portfolio investment entity (PIE) regime if introduced, according to the founder of the country’s largest direct-to-consumer managed fund platform.
Anthony Edmonds, InvestNow founder, said while the TWG final report includes some welcome reforms, […]