Term Deposits

A Term Deposit is a fixed-term investment that offers a fixed rate of return. Term Deposits are placed with a bank and returned on maturity, which can range from 1 month to 5 years.

By |2020-07-14T16:43:09+12:00July 14th, 2020||Comments Off on Term Deposits


ETF’s are Managed Funds, however, unlike managed funds ETFs are traded on the exchange (such as the NZX). The performance of an ETF simply matches the performance of a particular index (such as the S&P500 & NZX50).

By |2020-07-17T16:34:04+12:00July 14th, 2020||Comments Off on ETFs

Managed Funds

Managed Funds are sometimes referred to as pooled investments. You and a group of other investors invest in a fund that’s managed by experts, that then go and invest in shares and other securities on your behalf.

By |2020-07-14T16:26:32+12:00July 14th, 2020||Comments Off on Managed Funds