Tools to help you build your KiwiSaver portfolio

Investor Risk Profile Tool

Your Investor Risk Profile indicates how much investment risk you can bear, which will largely determine the type of assets or funds that may be appropriate for you to invest in. Using this tool you will find out which of the five Investor Risk Profiles you are – Defensive, Conservative, Balanced, Growth, or Aggressive. Each Risk Profile translates to a type of diversified fund, with each diversified fund having a different proportion of growth assets (like shares) relative to income assets (like bonds). It is suggested that the type of diversified funds that are best suited to you will match your Investor Risk Profile. However, what you choose to invest in is entirely your decision.


KiwiSaver Retirement Balance Calculator

Your KiwiSaver Retirement Balance is the amount of money you will have in your KiwiSaver portfolio when you reach retirement age (65 years old). The KiwiSaver Retirement Balance Calculator will use your information (current balance, age, salary, contributions, risk exposure etc.) to provide an estimated projection of your KiwiSaver Retirement Balance, based on standard assumptions set by the Government. Actual outcomes may differ.


Split your KiwiSaver investment across your choice of funds!

40+ Diversified & Single-Sector Funds to choose from

View and filter the full range of funds by various fund characteristics, including fee,
performance and product disclosure information here.

Fund Name


Generate Focused Growth Managed Fund 1.41%
Milford Aggressive Fund 1.15%

For more information, see the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme PDS and other disclosure material. *Fees refers to individual management fee and fund charges. Fees are estimated as a percentage per annum of the Fund’s net asset value and include GST, where applicable. Performance-based fees may apply and have been included in the fee estimate where appropriate. Buy/sell spreads or swing pricing adjustments may also apply to investments and/or redemptions – see the Fees and Charges Table for the current spreads/adjustments.

Fund Name


Fisher Funds Growth Fund 1.04%
Foundation Series Growth Fund 0.37%
Harbour Active Growth Fund 1.05%
Milford Active Growth Fund 1.20%
Mint Diversified Growth Fund 1.21%
Pathfinder Ethical Growth Fund 1.25%
Salt Sustainable Growth Fund 1.11%
Smartshares Growth Fund 0.51%

For more information, see the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme PDS and other disclosure material. *Fees refers to individual management fee and fund charges. Fees are estimated as a percentage per annum of the Fund’s net asset value and include GST, where applicable. Performance-based fees may apply and have been included in the fee estimate where appropriate. Buy/sell spreads or swing pricing adjustments may also apply to investments and/or redemptions – see the Fees and Charges Table for the current spreads/adjustments.

Fund Name


Castle Point 5 Oceans Fund 1.31%
Foundation Series Balanced Fund 0.37%
Mercer Ethical Leaders Balanced Fund 1.32%
Milford Balanced Fund 1.06%

For more information, see the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme PDS and other disclosure material. *Fees refers to individual management fee and fund charges. Fees are estimated as a percentage per annum of the Fund’s net asset value and include GST, where applicable. Performance-based fees may apply and have been included in the fee estimate where appropriate. Buy/sell spreads or swing pricing adjustments may also apply to investments and/or redemptions – see the Fees and Charges Table for the current spreads/adjustments.

Fund Name


Fisher Funds Conservative Fund 0.93%
Milford Conservative Fund 0.85%
Mint Diversified Income Fund 0.98%

For more information, see the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme PDS and other disclosure material. *Fees refers to individual management fee and fund charges. Fees are estimated as a percentage per annum of the Fund’s net asset value and include GST, where applicable. Performance-based fees may apply and have been included in the fee estimate where appropriate. Buy/sell spreads or swing pricing adjustments may also apply to investments and/or redemptions – see the Fees and Charges Table for the current spreads/adjustments.

Fund Name


Antipodes Global Value Fund 0.95%
Castle Point Trans-Tasman Fund 1.07%
Clarity Global Shares Fund 1.06%
Foundation Series Total World Fund^ 0.07%
Foundation Series US 500 Fund^ 0.03%
Foundation Series Hedged Total World Fund^ 0.07%
Foundation Series Hedged US 500 Fund^ 0.03%
Harbour Australasian Equity Focus Fund 1.36%
Harbour NZ Core Fixed Interest Fund 0.65%
Harbour T. Rowe Price Global Equity Fund 1.20%
Hunter Global Fixed Interest Fund 0.53%
Mercer All Country Global Shares Index Fund 0.46%
Mercer Ethical Leaders Hedged Global Fixed Interest Index Fund 0.44%
Mercer Macquarie Global Listed Real Estate Fund 1.36%
Mercer Macquarie NZ Cash Fund 0.30%
Mercer Macquarie NZ Fixed Interest Fund 0.60%
Mercer NZ Shares Passive Fund 0.34%
Mint Australasian Equity Fund 1.19%
Russell Investments Global Fixed Interest Fund 0.59%
Russell Investments Global Shares Fund 0.89%
Russell Investments Hedged Global Shares Fund 0.92%
Russell Investments NZ Fixed Interest Fund 0.49%
Salt Enhanced Property Fund 1.05%
Salt NZ Dividend Appreciation Fund 1.11%
Te Ahumairangi Global Equity Fund 0.62%

For more information, see the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme PDS and other disclosure material. *Fees refers to individual management fee and fund charges. Fees are estimated as a percentage per annum of the Fund’s net asset value and include GST, where applicable. Performance-based fees may apply and have been included in the fee estimate where appropriate. Buy/sell spreads or swing pricing adjustments may also apply to investments and/or redemptions – see the Fees and Charges Table for the current spreads/adjustments. ^The Foundation Series US 500 Fund, Foundation Series Hedged US 500 Fund, Foundation Series Total World Fund and Foundation Series Hedged Total World Fund are subject to a transaction fee charge of 0.50% for all Buy Orders (Entry Fee) and 0.50% for all Sell Orders (Exit Fee).

Things to know to help you do your KiwiSaver research…

Who manages your investment

The InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme provides a vehicle for you to invest your KiwiSaver funds into investment options managed directly by leading New Zealand and global investment managers. These fund managers go through a detailed quality screening process to make sure they’re fit to handle your funds with care.
Learn more.

Historical fund performance

Each fund in the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme exists outside of KiwiSaver with the same fees and charges, and is expected perform in-line with the underlying fund. Your KiwiSaver investments are managed directly by the investment managers you choose in the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme.
Learn more.

Switching KiwiSaver providers

It takes less than 2 minutes to get started with the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme. You can choose your investments and submit your application online. Once your application is submitted, it takes approximately 10 days for the transfer from your current provider to be complete.
Start online application. 

Join the InvestNow KiwiSaver Scheme today

Submit an application, manage your investments, and view portfolio performance easily from your online account