InvestNow Managed Funds

Invest in managed funds from leading investment managers

Through your online InvestNow account, you can access a comprehensive and sophisticated range of managed fund investment options from 30+ expert investment managers.  We offer access to a wide range of both diversified and single-sector investment options. Keep reading to see the full list of investment options, and other information about investing in managed funds through us.

Your managed fund investment options

150+ Diversified & Single-Sector Funds to choose from

Click here to view and filter the full range of funds by various fund characteristics, including fee and product disclosure information.

Fund Name

Fee* p.a.

AMP Balanced Managed Fund 0.80%
AMP Growth Managed Fund 0.80%
ANZ Investments OneAnswer Balanced Growth Fund 1.02%
Castle Point 5 Oceans Fund 1.31%
Fisher Funds Conservative Fund 1.34%
Fisher Funds Growth Fund 1.47%
Foundation Series Balanced Fund 0.37%
Foundation Series Growth Fund 0.37%
Generate Focused Growth Managed Fund 1.41%
Harbour Active Growth Fund 1.05%
Harbour Income Fund 0.67%
Harbour Sustainable Impact Fund 1.24%
Mercer Sustainable Balanced Fund 1.30%
Mercer Income Generator Fund 1.00%
Mercer Macquarie Real Return Opportunities Fund 1.50%
Milford Active Growth Fund 1.20%
Milford Aggressive Fund 1.15%
Milford Balanced Fund 1.06%
Milford Conservative Fund 0.85%
Milford Diversified Income Fund 0.85%
Mint Diversified Growth Fund 1.21%
Mint Diversified Income Fund 0.98%
Octagon Balanced Fund 1.17%
Pathfinder Ethical Growth Fund 1.25%
QuayStreet Income Fund 0.77%

* Fees are the manager’s estimates of the total annual fund charge as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Note that this figure includes GST and any performance-based fees where applicable. Transaction-based charges may also apply when you buy or sell a fund, which could include buy/sell spreads, entry/exit fees, or swing pricing adjustments. Please see the PDS for full details on the charges that can apply.

Fund Name

Fee* p.a.

ANZ Investments OneAnswer Australian Share Fund 1.11%
ANZ Investments OneAnswer Equity Selection Fund 1.14%
ANZ Investments OneAnswer New Zealand Share Fund 1.10%
Castle Point Trans-Tasman Fund 1.07%
Devon Alpha Fund 1.89%
Devon Australian Fund 1.58%
Devon Dividend Yield Fund 1.19%
Devon Sustainability Fund 1.30%
Devon Trans-Tasman Fund 1.58%
Fisher Funds Australian Growth Fund 1.45%
Fisher Funds New Zealand Growth Fund 1.51%
Fisher Funds Trans Tasman Equity Trust 1.64%
Harbour Australasian Equity Focus Fund 1.36%
Harbour Australasian Equity Fund 1.10%
Harbour Australasian Equity Income Fund 1.08%
Harbour Long Short Fund 1.53%
Harbour NZ Index Shares Fund 0.21%
Harbour Sustainable NZ Shares Fund 0.26%
Mercer Responsible Trans-Tasman Shares Fund 0.90%
Mercer Macquarie Australian Shares Fund 0.48%
Mercer NZ Shares Passive Fund 0.34%
Milford Australian Absolute Growth Fund 1.25%
Milford Trans-Tasman Equity Fund 1.05%
Mint Australasian Equity Fund 1.19%
Mint New Zealand SRI Equity Fund 0.95%
Nikko AM Concentrated Equity Fund 1.15%
Nikko AM Core Equity Fund 0.95%
Octagon Australasian Equities Fund 1.17%
Octagon New Zealand Equities Fund 1.17%
Pathfinder Ethical Trans-Tasman Fund 1.00%
Pie Australasian Dividend Growth Fund 1.88%
QuayStreet NZ Equity Fund 1.28%
Russell Investments NZ Shares Fund 0.79%
Salt Long Short Fund 2.17%
Salt NZ Dividend Appreciation Fund 1.11%
Smart Australian Dividend ETF (ASD) 0.54%
Smart Australian Financials ETF (ASF) 0.54%
Smart Australian Mid Cap ETF (MZY) 0.75%
Smart Australian Resources ETF (ASR) 0.54%
Smart Australian Top 20 ETF (OZY) 0.60%
Smart NZ Dividend ETF (DIV) 0.54%
Smart NZ Mid Cap ETF (MDZ) 0.60%
Smart NZ Top 10 ETF (TNZ) 0.60%
Smart NZ Top 50 ETF (FNZ) 0.50%
Smart Australian Top 200 ETF (AUS) 0.30%
Smart S&P/NZX 50 ETF (NZG) 0.20%
TAHITO Te Tai o Rehua Fund 1.27%

* Fees are the manager’s estimates of the total annual fund charge as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Note that this figure includes GST and any performance-based fees where applicable. Transaction-based charges may also apply when you buy or sell a fund, which could include buy/sell spreads, entry/exit fees, or swing pricing adjustments. Please see the PDS for full details on the charges that can apply.

Fund Name

Fee* p.a.

Fisher Funds CashPlus Fund 0.80%
Mercer Macquarie NZ Cash Fund 0.30%
Milford Cash Fund 0.20%
Smart NZ Cash ETF (NZC)  0.20%

* Fees are the manager’s estimates of the total annual fund charge as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Note that this figure includes GST and any performance-based fees where applicable. Transaction-based charges may also apply when you buy or sell a fund, which could include buy/sell spreads, entry/exit fees, or swing pricing adjustments. Please see the PDS for full details on the charges that can apply.

Fund Name

Fee* p.a.

Antipodes Global Fund – Long (PIE) 1.25%
ANZ Investments OneAnswer International Share Fund 1.10%
Elevation Capital Global Shares Fund 1.93%
Ellerston Global Mid Small Cap Fund 2.11%
Fisher Funds Global Fund 1.64%
Fisher Funds International Growth Fund 1.44%
Fisher Funds Property & Infrastructure Fund 1.59%
Foundation Series Total World Fund* 0.06%*
Foundation Series Hedged Total World Fund* 0.06%*
Foundation Series US 500 Fund* 0.03%*
Foundation Series Hedged US 500 Fund* 0.03%*
Harbour T. Rowe Price Global Equity Fund 1.20%
Harbour T. Rowe Price Global Equity Fund (Hedged) 1.23%
India Avenue Equity Fund — H Class 1.50%
Lighthouse Global Equity Fund 1.05%
Mercer All Country Global Shares Index Fund 0.46%
Mercer Core Global Shares Fund 1.49%
Mercer Core Hedged Global Shares Fund 1.72%
Mercer Emerging Markets Shares Fund 2.05%
Mercer Responsible Global Shares Fund 1.51%
Mercer Global Shares Fund 1.39%
Milford Global Equity Fund 1.35%
Nikko AM Global Shares Fund 1.20%
Nikko AM Global Shares Hedged Fund 1.20%
Pathfinder Global Responsibility Fund 0.93%
Pathfinder Global Water Fund 1.30%
Pie Global Growth Fund 2 1.52%
Pie Growth UK & Europe Fund 1.89%
Russell Investments Global Shares Fund 0.86%
Russell Investments Hedged Global Shares Fund 0.88%
Russell Investments Hedged Sustainable Global Shares Fund 0.29%
Russell Investments Sustainable Global Shares Fund 0.30%
Smart Asia Pacific ETF (APA) 0.55%
Smart Automation and Robotics ETF (BOT) 0.75%
Smart Emerging Markets ESG ETF (EMG) 0.59%
Smart Emerging Markets ETF (EMF) 0.59%
Smart Europe ESG ETF (EUG) 0.55%
Smart Europe ETF (EUF) 0.55%
Smart Global ESG ETF (ESG) 0.54%
Smart Healthcare Innovation ETF (LIV) 0.75%
Smart Japan ESG ETF (JPN) 0.55%
Smart Total World ETF (TWF) 0.40%
Smart US 500 ETF (USF) 0.34%
Smart US ESG ETF (USA) 0.34%
Smart US Large Growth ETF (USG) 0.51%
Smart US Large Value ETF (USV) 0.51%
Smart US Mid Cap ETF (USM) 0.51%
Smart US Small Cap ETF (USS) 0.51%
Te Ahumairangi Global Equity Fund 0.62%
Vanguard International Shares Select Exclusions Index Fund 0.20%**
Vanguard International Shares Select Exclusions Index Fund (Hedged) – NZD Class 0.26%**

* Fees are the manager’s estimates of the total annual fund charge as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Note that this figure includes GST and any performance-based fees where applicable. Transaction-based charges may also apply when you buy or sell a fund, which could include buy/sell spreads, entry/exit fees, or swing pricing adjustments. Please see the PDS for full details on the charges that can apply. The Foundation Series US 500 Fund, Foundation Series Hedged US 500 Fund, Foundation Series Total World Fund and Foundation Series Hedged Total World Fund are subject to a transaction fee charge of 0.50% for all Buy Orders (entry fee) and 0.50% for all Sell Orders (exit fee).

** The Vanguard International Shares Select Exclusions Index Fund and Vanguard International Shares Select Exclusions Index Fund (Hedged) – NZD Class are subject to a transaction fee charge of 0.30% for all Buy Orders in addition to the applicable Buy/Sell Spread.

Fund Name

Fee* p.a.

Brandywine Global Opportunistic Fixed Income Fund 0.76%
Fisher Funds BondPlus Fund 1.21%
Fisher Funds Income Fund 0.93%
Hunter Global Fixed Interest Fund 0.53%
Mercer Responsible Hedged Global Fixed Interest Index Fund 0.43%
Mercer Macquarie Global Income Opportunities Fund 1.16%
Milford Global Corporate Bond Fund 0.85%
Russell Investments Global Fixed Interest Fund 0.58%
Smart Global Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG) 0.30%
Smart Global Bond ETF (GBF) 0.54%

* Fees are the manager’s estimates of the total annual fund charge as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Note that this figure includes GST and any performance-based fees where applicable. Transaction-based charges may also apply when you buy or sell a fund, which could include buy/sell spreads, entry/exit fees, or swing pricing adjustments. Please see the PDS for full details on the charges that can apply.

Fund Name

Fee* p.a.

ANZ Investments OneAnswer Property Securities Fund 1.10%
Dexus Asian REIT Fund 0.98%
Dexus Global REIT Fund 0.98%
Harbour Real Estate Investment Fund 0.74%
Mercer Australian Property Index Fund 0.80%
Mercer Macquarie Global Listed Real Estate Fund 1.34%
Mint Australasian Property Fund 0.98%
Pathfinder Global Property Fund 1.00%
Salt Enhanced Property Fund 1.05%
Smart Australian Property ETF (ASP) 0.54%
Smart NZ Property ETF (NPF) 0.54%

* Fees are the manager’s estimates of the total annual fund charge as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Note that this figure includes GST and any performance-based fees where applicable. Transaction-based charges may also apply when you buy or sell a fund, which could include buy/sell spreads, entry/exit fees, or swing pricing adjustments. Please see the PDS for full details on the charges that can apply.

Fund Name

Fee* p.a.

Fisher Funds New Zealand Fixed Income Trust 0.96%
Harbour NZ Core Fixed Interest Fund 0.65%
Harbour NZ Corporate Bond Fund 0.47%
Mercer Macquarie NZ Fixed Interest Fund 0.59%
Mercer Macquarie NZ Short Duration Fund 0.63%
Milford Trans-Tasman Bond Fund 0.65%
Nikko AM Income Fund 0.80%
Nikko AM NZ Corporate Bond Fund 0.70%
Russell Investments NZ Fixed Interest Fund 0.50%
Smart NZ Bond ETF (NZB) 0.54%

* Fees are the manager’s estimates of the total annual fund charge as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Note that this figure includes GST and any performance-based fees where applicable. Transaction-based charges may also apply when you buy or sell a fund, which could include buy/sell spreads, entry/exit fees, or swing pricing adjustments. Please see the PDS for full details on the charges that can apply.

Fund Name

Fee* p.a.

Mercer Macquarie Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 1.34%
Russell Investments Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 0.97%
Squirrel Monthly Income Fund 2.00%
Vault International Bitcoin Fund 0.95%

* Fees are the manager’s estimates of the total annual fund charge as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Note that this figure includes GST and any performance-based fees where applicable. Transaction-based charges may also apply when you buy or sell a fund, which could include buy/sell spreads, entry/exit fees, or swing pricing adjustments. Please see the PDS for full details on the charges that can apply.

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Information about investing in managed funds through us…

Buying and selling

Buying and selling units in managed funds through InvestNow is simple. From your online account, you can make one-off investments starting at just $250 per order, or you can set up a Regular Investment Plan to schedule recurring orders from just $50 per order. Regular Investment Plans can be set up to buy units in multiple managed funds at a time – simply choose the combination of funds you’d like to invest in, ensure you have enough money in your account, and we’ll take it from there.


Fees for managed funds are charged by the fund manager that manages that particular fund. InvestNow does not add any additional fee on top of what the manager charges. For more information on each of these funds, please visit our Range of Funds page. Fees displayed above and on the Range of Funds page are the manager’s estimated annual fund charge and include any GST and performance-based fee if applicable. Transaction-based charges may also apply. Please read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of the managed fund for a full breakdown of charges that may apply.

Historical performance

Historical fund performance information is available in two places – from your online account, and from the performance table we publish on our Performance page. From your online account you can see a detailed view of historical performance, including daily unit price movement. From the performance tables you can see historical performance for the previous 1 month to 10 years. It’s important to note that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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