InvestNow News – 17th July – Monthly Review – Pathfinder – June 2020
Market Commentary
Markets remain turbulent but continue to trend higher, climbing a wall of worry.
A string of stronger than expected economic data continues to support the bull market thesis, with the Nasdaq technology index at fresh highs, and closer to home the New Zealand market is just 4% off its high.
The positive news-flow seems to be outweighing concerns around a second wave of COVID-19, and the re-escalation of trade tensions with China. Notably in the US, unemployment data continues to surprise on the upside and the US has now recovered about one-third of the job losses experienced in March and April. Similar trends are being seen in NZ and Australia and we have been surprised by the strength in data points such as retail sales which are back above levels seen at the same time last year. It remains to be seen as to whether this is being driven by pent up demand and if it is sustainable once the fiscal support packages from governments expire.
The macro-economic backdrop remains confusing with a solid rebound in economic activity around the globe, but some countries (US, Brazil, India) are experiencing a renewed surge in COVID-19 cases. Interestingly, hot spots including Arizona, Florida and Texas continue to see cases rise. However, the fatality rate has remained low.
Even as cases surge in parts of the USA, there is little political appetite to re-enter full lockdowns, so we are about to experience an interesting and potentially dangerous experiment. At what point does the trade-off between economic activity and the pain of lost lives become too costly? A lack of political leadership in the US is compounding the confusion, but so far the “open at any cost” camp is in the ascendant.
Disclaimer: Pathfinder is a fund manager and does not give financial advice. Before making any decision to invest you should (a) consult your financial adviser and (b) read the Product Disclosure Statement. This report is for information purposes only. Opinions constitute Pathfinder?s judgment at the time of writing and are subject to change. All returns calculated after fees before tax using the unit price. Disclosure of interest: All of our staff invest in Pathfinder?s funds on the same terms as you.
The Global Water Fund and Global Responsibility Fund have been designated a Certified Responsible Investment by the RIAA (Responsible Investment Association Australasia). See www.responsibleinvestment.org for more details
*The Certification Symbol signifies that a product or service offers an investment style that takes into account environmental, social, governance or ethical considerations. The Symbol also signifies that the Pathfinder Global Water and Global Responsibility Fund Fund adheres to the strict operational and disclosure practices required under the Responsible Investment Certification Program for the category of Product Provider. The Certification Symbol is a Registered Trade Mark of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA). Detailed information about RIAA, the Symbol and the Pathfinder Global Water Fund?s and the Pathfinder Global Responsibility Fund’s methodology, performance and stock holdings can be found at www.responsiblereturns.com.au, together with details about other responsible investment products certified by RIAA.
1. The Responsible Investment Certification Program does not constitute financial product advice. Neither the Certification Symbol nor RIAA recommends to any person that any financial product is a suitable investment or that returns are guaranteed. Appropriate professional advice should be sought prior to making an investment decision. RIAA does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence.
^Volatility is on a rolling 3 year basis, for funds with less than 3-years of history the calculation is from inception. All returns are shown after fees and at 0% PIR.
InvestNow News – 17th July – Monthly Review – Pathfinder – June 2020
Market Commentary
Markets remain turbulent but continue to trend higher, climbing a wall of worry.
A string of stronger than expected economic data continues to support the bull market thesis, with the Nasdaq technology index at fresh highs, and closer to home the New Zealand market is just 4% off its high.
The positive news-flow seems to be outweighing concerns around a second wave of COVID-19, and the re-escalation of trade tensions with China. Notably in the US, unemployment data continues to surprise on the upside and the US has now recovered about one-third of the job losses experienced in March and April. Similar trends are being seen in NZ and Australia and we have been surprised by the strength in data points such as retail sales which are back above levels seen at the same time last year. It remains to be seen as to whether this is being driven by pent up demand and if it is sustainable once the fiscal support packages from governments expire.
The macro-economic backdrop remains confusing with a solid rebound in economic activity around the globe, but some countries (US, Brazil, India) are experiencing a renewed surge in COVID-19 cases. Interestingly, hot spots including Arizona, Florida and Texas continue to see cases rise. However, the fatality rate has remained low.
Even as cases surge in parts of the USA, there is little political appetite to re-enter full lockdowns, so we are about to experience an interesting and potentially dangerous experiment. At what point does the trade-off between economic activity and the pain of lost lives become too costly? A lack of political leadership in the US is compounding the confusion, but so far the “open at any cost” camp is in the ascendant.
Disclaimer: Pathfinder is a fund manager and does not give financial advice. Before making any decision to invest you should (a) consult your financial adviser and (b) read the Product Disclosure Statement. This report is for information purposes only. Opinions constitute Pathfinder?s judgment at the time of writing and are subject to change. All returns calculated after fees before tax using the unit price. Disclosure of interest: All of our staff invest in Pathfinder?s funds on the same terms as you.
The Global Water Fund and Global Responsibility Fund have been designated a Certified Responsible Investment by the RIAA (Responsible Investment Association Australasia). See www.responsibleinvestment.org for more details
*The Certification Symbol signifies that a product or service offers an investment style that takes into account environmental, social, governance or ethical considerations. The Symbol also signifies that the Pathfinder Global Water and Global Responsibility Fund Fund adheres to the strict operational and disclosure practices required under the Responsible Investment Certification Program for the category of Product Provider. The Certification Symbol is a Registered Trade Mark of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA). Detailed information about RIAA, the Symbol and the Pathfinder Global Water Fund?s and the Pathfinder Global Responsibility Fund’s methodology, performance and stock holdings can be found at www.responsiblereturns.com.au, together with details about other responsible investment products certified by RIAA.
1. The Responsible Investment Certification Program does not constitute financial product advice. Neither the Certification Symbol nor RIAA recommends to any person that any financial product is a suitable investment or that returns are guaranteed. Appropriate professional advice should be sought prior to making an investment decision. RIAA does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence.
^Volatility is on a rolling 3 year basis, for funds with less than 3-years of history the calculation is from inception. All returns are shown after fees and at 0% PIR.