AEOI, CRS and why it’s vital you keep your tax info updated

AEOI, CRS and why it’s vital that you keep your tax residency information updated

Following increasing global concern about money laundering and international tax evasion, highlighted by leaks such as the Panama Papers, New Zealand joined the OECD and many other countries in committing to a new global standard (the CRS, or Common Reporting Standard) on the automatic exchange of financial account information (AEOI). This information is required by law to be collected by financial institutions, including InvestNow, and reported to tax authorities around the world, who exchange this information to ensure […]

By |2021-06-21T17:43:12+12:00May 31st, 2019|All|0 Comments

Above benchmark: how indexing has grown up

Above the benchmark:
How indexing has grown up

Vanguard Group founder John C. Bogle in 2014

Passive products are on track to break another benchmark record this year in a move that could see indexers take majority control of the US equities fund market.

According to a late 2018 Bloomberg report, data from research house Morningstar shows passive US share funds grew market share from 45.7 per cent in November 2017 to 48.1 per cent 12 months later.

“They’ll top 50 percent in 2019 […]

By |2022-09-15T13:51:48+12:00April 29th, 2019|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Smartshares – Access to ETFs for New Zealand investors: When is 0.34% cheaper than 0.04%?

Access to ETFs for New Zealand investors – When is 0.34% cheaper than 0.04%?

by Smartshares, April 2019

Passively managed Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are becoming more and more popular among Kiwi investors as a way of gaining cheap access to global shares. Passive ETFs offer low cost, liquidity and broad diversification. In addition, there is decades of evidence to show that passive funds deliver better after-fee returns than the vast majority of actively managed funds.

We are delighted to see the growth in investor interest […]

By |2019-07-29T13:03:34+12:00April 17th, 2019|All|0 Comments

Swimming lessons from McDuck: why custody shouldn’t be a mystery

Swimming lessons from McDuck – Why custody shouldn’t be a mystery

Scrooge McDuck loved to splash with cash, swimming solo in the deep, impregnable bank vault that housed his money.

The famous image of McDuck diving into his millions is typically interpreted as greed cartoonified.
But the loaded old duck had his reasons.

As the second-richest fictional character of all time – worth US$33.5 billion, according to Forbes magazine – McDuck clearly put a high value on two of the most important features of money: liquidity and […]

By |2022-09-15T13:54:36+12:00March 28th, 2019|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Sober investing tips: how to handle volatility

Sober investing tips – How to handle volatility

Sober investing tips: how to handle volatility

InvestNow members are generally glass half-full types.

Looking back at the last quarter of 2018, over 90 per cent of investors didn’t spill a drop as share markets served up another round of volatility; about a third of InvestNow members even took the opportunity to top up their portfolios as equities staggered downwards.

But if October left investors stirred, not shaken, the final two months of 2018 threatened to tip them off-balance. The last month of the […]

By |2022-09-15T14:03:36+12:00February 28th, 2019|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Going global – Tax tips and traps for local investors

Going global – Tax tips and traps for local investors

Kiwis like their offshore travel.
According to the latest data from Statistics NZ, almost 264,000 New Zealanders jetted overseas during October 2017 – up about 33,000 compared to the previous October and close to 100,000 above the figure for the same month in 2007.

Perhaps that familiarity with the foreign is why Kiwis are also happy enough to ship their money to global destinations, unaccompanied. Figures from the Reserve Bank of NZ (RBNZ) show the wholesale managed funds market consisted of […]

By |2022-09-15T14:04:30+12:00November 27th, 2018|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Battle of the index funds – a comparison by Your Money Blueprint

Here’s a really comprehensive piece of analysis conducted by Nick at “Your Money Blueprint” where he compares InvestNow, SuperLife, Sharesies and Smartshares.  In particular he looks at the impact of charges and fees on investors, at varying levels of investment, when they are investing in the US Top 500 fund.  Well worth a read.

Read on … 


By |2018-11-22T16:14:24+13:00November 22nd, 2018|All|0 Comments

How to stay on target as market bullets wake the share bears

Almost a year ago to the day InvestNow asked its clients how they would respond if markets fell into bear territory: the answer was a collective ‘meh’.

The-then theoretical prospect of a crash didn’t appear to bother most InvestNow clients: just 3 per cent of those surveyed said they would sell out of share funds if equity markets dropped by 30 per cent in a couple of weeks.

Investors, though, don’t usually win medals for bravery in the face of theory. And for […]

By |2018-11-02T10:39:03+13:00October 30th, 2018|All|0 Comments

What’s on the income menu in a yield-hungry world

People invest for all manner of reasons but their goals can be boiled down to just two: income or growth.

In practice, of course, most investors will want a mix of both income and growth in proportions according to their risk appetite and specific life situation.

Growth assets tend to be ‘riskier’ investments such as shares while NZ investors have historically derived much of their income from the ‘safe’ haven of bank term deposits (TDs).

But the division between ‘income’ and ‘growth’ assets is […]

By |2022-09-15T14:09:30+12:00September 28th, 2018|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Always blow on the PIE: how to avoid fund tax burn

Before 2007 fund investors in NZ were served up the financial equivalent of meatloaf: returns and tax were baked together into one unappetising lump according to the antiquated legislative recipe of the day.

Unsurprisingly, in those dark days many retail investors preferred home-made direct portfolios of shares and fixed interest assets over the uniform concoction of meat and sawdust dished up by the tax-challenged managed fund industry.

But in 2007 the Labour government rewrote the fund tax recipe […]

By |2022-09-15T14:38:49+12:00August 29th, 2018|All, Investing education|0 Comments