Research IP Fund Manager of the Year Awards – 2021

Research IP Fund Manager of the Year Awards – 2021

Article written by InvestNow, information from Research IP

Congratulations to all the fund managers we work with, who recently won awards at the Research IP Fund Manager of the Year Awards for 2021. See below the winning fund managers and funds that we have here on InvestNow.

Announcing the Winners

Fund Manager of the Year

  • Milford Asset Management

KiwiSaver Fund Manager of the Year

By |2022-09-14T15:16:48+12:00December 7th, 2021|All, News|0 Comments

Manager Panel – Currency-hedged funds

Manager Panel – Currency-hedged funds

Welcome to the Manager Panel! Each month, InvestNow will ask a few of our fund managers some questions about a topic. Read below their thoughts on currency-hedged funds, in regards to the November article  — Currency hedging for Kiwi fund investors: The easy way to steer safe in the $2.4 quadrillion tide.

George Carter, Managing Director – Nikko Asset Management New Zealand

By |2022-09-14T14:24:45+12:00November 30th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Getting to know InvestNow — Managed Funds

Getting to know InvestNow — Managed Funds

Article written by InvestNow – 30th November 2021

Whether it’s for KiwiSaver, a personalised Managed Funds portfolio or bank Term Deposits for your rainy-day monies – InvestNow puts you in the driver’s seat.

InvestNow is an online investment platform that is Kiwi-owned and operated. We are a team of leading investment experts, with decades of combined experience and expertise behind us. We provide 24/7 online access for you to manage your investments, […]

By |2022-09-14T14:26:18+12:00November 30th, 2021|All, Managed funds|0 Comments

How to be a better-than-average investor by averaging

How to be a better-than-average investor by averaging

Article written by InvestNow – 30th November 2021

Buy-low, sell-high is the stock-standard advice for generating capital returns on investment assets.

Unfortunately, the self-evident piece of folk wisdom does not come with any practical guidance on how to spot the ideal buying and selling moments.

And anyone familiar with the ups and downs of investment markets has likely reached the frustrating conclusion that it’s nearly impossible to predict market behaviour on any […]

By |2022-09-14T14:27:57+12:00November 30th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Currency hedging for Kiwi fund investors: The easy way to steer safe in the $2.4 quadrillion tide

Currency hedging for Kiwi fund investors: The easy way to steer safe in the $2.4 quadrillion tide

Article written by InvestNow – 30th November 2021

On any given day about US$6.6 trillion courses through global foreign exchange markets, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in a constant tidal movement of cross-border financial flows.

Estimates from the BIS, the central bank for central banks, put the entire value of tradable world currencies in 2019 at over US$2.4 quadrillion […]

By |2022-09-14T14:29:33+12:00November 30th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Fee-thinking: price-check in the fund aisle

Fee-thinking: price-check in the fund aisle

Article written by InvestNow – 29th October 2021

Nothing comes for free in this world, but price isn’t everything.

Indeed, while most people are cost-conscious (otherwise supermarkets wouldn’t run ‘special offers’), they are also usually prepared to pay more for perceived quality or ‘value’.

But for managed fund investors the concept of ‘value for money’ – now a major focus for the Financial Markets Authority […]

By |2022-09-14T14:30:55+12:00October 29th, 2021|All, Investing education|3 Comments

Focus on what matters

Focus on what matters

Article written by Lighthouse Funds

Key Points:

  • Focus on net returns after tax – that’s what you get to keep
  • Differences in fees are quickly overwhelmed by differences in investment style
  • The best measure of a manager’s inherent performance is the 5-year average net returns

Focus On What You Get To Keep

There’s a lot of focus on fund management fees, with both regulatory and competitive pressure to keep fees low.  The implication is that lower […]

By |2022-09-14T14:32:13+12:00October 29th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Manager Panel – Cryptocurrencies

Manager Panel: Cryptocurrencies

Welcome to the Manager Panel! Each month to supplement the lead article in InvestNow’s Magazine, InvestNow will ask a few of our Fund Managers some questions around a topic. Read below their thoughts on cryptocurrencies, in regards to the September lead article  — Crypto-facto: Investing in the digital asset age.

Pie Funds – Mike Taylor, Executive Director, Founder & CEO

By |2022-09-14T14:33:26+12:00October 4th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Crypto-facto: Investing in the digital asset age

Crypto-facto: Investing in the digital asset age

Article written by InvestNow – 4th October 2021

In a little over 10 years the concept of ‘cryptocurrency’ has emerged from an obscure technical paper outlining a new software protocol for geeks to become a global phenomenon valued by some measures at over US$2 trillion.

However, Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous author of the 2008 paper that introduced ‘bitcoin’ to the world, never used the term cryptocurrency, describing his (or her or […]

By |2022-09-14T14:34:39+12:00October 4th, 2021|All, Investing education|4 Comments

Important announcement — re Hunter Investment Management

Important announcement — re Hunter Investment Management

Article written by InvestNow – 4th October 2021

For those investors in one or more of the Hunter Investment Management range of funds, for your managed funds and/or KiwiSaver portfolio, below are two important updates with regards to the ownership and management of these funds.

Hunter Global Fixed Interest Fund

Here is the announcement from Harbour Asset Management:

“…As of 30 September, Harbour will become the manager and issuer of the Hunter Global Fixed […]

By |2022-09-14T15:21:06+12:00October 4th, 2021|All, News|0 Comments