InvestNow News – 3rd April – Harbour – COVID-19: Building the bridge across the void

InvestNow News – 3rd April – Harbour – COVID-19: Building the bridge across the void

31st March – Andrew Bascand

Key Points

  • Extraordinary global fiscal and monetary policies are starting to build a bridge across the void
  • Markets are beginning to look beyond COVID-19 case trends, and towards solving the pandemic with tests, a new standard of care and vaccinations
  • Quality companies, with strong balance sheets, are performing well
  • This is a time to stay at home and be kind, it is also a […]
By |2020-04-03T12:18:56+13:00April 3rd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 3rd April – ANZ – The Month Ahead

InvestNow News – 3rd April – ANZ – The Month Ahead – April 2020

The first quarter of 2020 was an unprecedented one for global markets as the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak weighed heavily on sentiment as the outlook for global growth and trade worsened. By the end of March, the coronavirus had infected more than 700,000 people with more than 35,000 deaths.

On the back of the crisis, several equity benchmarks fell as much as 30% from their record highs. However, as of 30 […]

By |2020-04-03T11:55:32+13:00April 3rd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 3rd April – AMP Capital – How our International Equity Managers are positioned

InvestNow News – 3rd April – AMP Capital – How our International Equity Managers are positioned

27th Mar 20 – Trent Loi, Portfolio Manager

Market review

Financial markets around the world have suffered a significant derating – in fact, the quickest descent into a bear market in history. From the peak on 20 February 2020, the MSCI World Index has fallen 25.7% in 23 days. The sell-off is worldwide where the correlation between the countries spikes.

The chart below shows the month to date (to […]

By |2020-04-03T11:37:26+13:00April 3rd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 3rd April – AMP Capital – Tech in the 2020s: what’s on the cards in the decade ahead?

InvestNow News – 3rd April – AMP Capital – Tech in the 2020s: what’s on the cards in the decade ahead?

30th Mar 20 – Andy Gardner – Investment Manager, Global Equities – Equities, Sydney

As we begin a new decade, one thing is undeniable: technology bears a far greater influence on our daily lives and investment portfolios than it ever has.

The impact has been so spectacular that the dispersion between companies, individuals, and investors embracing technology and those […]

By |2020-04-03T11:31:05+13:00April 3rd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 3rd April – AMP Capital – Market Watch April 2020

InvestNow News – 3rd April – AMP Capital – Market Watch April 2020

Greg Fleming – Head of Investment Strategy, New Zealand

Greg talks through the heavy impacts of the Coronavirus on markets over the past month as investors moved into panic phase. There is opportunity being presented with a variety of over-valued asset classes returning to better entry levels, assuming the current crisis can be contained.

By |2020-04-03T11:25:37+13:00April 3rd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 3rd April – Milford – Corona Virus Q&A

InvestNow News – 3rd April – Milford – Corona Virus Q&A

Senior Analyst Frances Sweetman and Portfolio Manager Mark Riggall answered the top questions we’re being asked regarding the financial impact of Coronavirus and how we’re actively positioning our funds through this turbulent environment.

By |2020-04-03T12:48:32+13:00April 3rd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 3rd April – Nikko – NZ Fixed Income – Changes to Buy/Sell spreads

InvestNow News – 3rd April – Nikko – NZ Fixed Income – Changes to Buy/Sell spreads

We’re writing to let you know that we have made some changes to the way we apply buy/sell spreads to some of our funds. With the outbreak of COVID-19 and subsequent lock-down, volatility in investment markets has increased dramatically. This has been the case particularly in bond markets where trading costs have risen significantly.

When investors buy and sell units in most Nikko AM NZ funds there are […]

By |2020-04-03T11:17:17+13:00April 3rd, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Legg Mason – Coronavirus Pandemic: Difficult Tradeoffs

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Legg Mason – Coronavirus Pandemic: Difficult Tradeoffs

Events surrounding the pandemic continue to evolve fast and furious. Yesterday morning, on March 23, the Federal Reserve (Fed) announced a range of new actions, dramatic in terms of both initiative and scale. However, the nature of the economic crisis would suggest a lot more will come before this is over.

Events surrounding the pandemic continue to evolve fast and furious. Yesterday morning, on March 23, the Federal Reserve (Fed) announced […]

By |2020-03-27T14:46:09+13:00March 27th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Morphic – COVID-19: There are no monetarists in foxholes

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Morphic – COVID-19: There are no monetarists in foxholes

The US forces stationed in the Philippines in 1942, faced an impossible task. The Japanese Imperial army had taken control of most of South East Asia and there would be no more relief supplies. General MacArthur focused his remaining troops into the Bataan Peninsula where they fought for their life for three months, to distract and delay the Japanese forces from taking the rest of Asia and ultimately […]

By |2020-03-27T14:22:58+13:00March 27th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Russell Investments – Global Market Outlook: Q2 Update – Cycle further interrupted

InvestNow News – 27th Mar – Russell Investments – Global Market Outlook: Q2 Update – Cycle further interrupted

” … Our central case is that global growth begins to recover in the second half of the year as the virus outbreak fades … “ – Andrew Pease, Global Head of Investment Strategy

“Events, dear boy, events” was how former British prime minister Harold Macmillan described the unpredictability of politics, and the same can be said of investment strategy. As of mid-Febuary, our expectation for […]

By |2020-03-27T14:19:04+13:00March 27th, 2020|Fund Manager News|0 Comments