Currency hedging for Kiwi fund investors: The easy way to steer safe in the $2.4 quadrillion tide

Currency hedging for Kiwi fund investors: The easy way to steer safe in the $2.4 quadrillion tide

Article written by InvestNow – 30th November 2021

On any given day about US$6.6 trillion courses through global foreign exchange markets, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in a constant tidal movement of cross-border financial flows.

Estimates from the BIS, the central bank for central banks, put the entire value of tradable world currencies in 2019 at over US$2.4 quadrillion […]

By |2022-09-14T14:29:33+12:00November 30th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Fee-thinking: price-check in the fund aisle

Fee-thinking: price-check in the fund aisle

Article written by InvestNow – 29th October 2021

Nothing comes for free in this world, but price isn’t everything.

Indeed, while most people are cost-conscious (otherwise supermarkets wouldn’t run ‘special offers’), they are also usually prepared to pay more for perceived quality or ‘value’.

But for managed fund investors the concept of ‘value for money’ – now a major focus for the Financial Markets Authority […]

By |2022-09-14T14:30:55+12:00October 29th, 2021|All, Investing education|3 Comments

Focus on what matters

Focus on what matters

Article written by Lighthouse Funds

Key Points:

  • Focus on net returns after tax – that’s what you get to keep
  • Differences in fees are quickly overwhelmed by differences in investment style
  • The best measure of a manager’s inherent performance is the 5-year average net returns

Focus On What You Get To Keep

There’s a lot of focus on fund management fees, with both regulatory and competitive pressure to keep fees low.  The implication is that lower […]

By |2022-09-14T14:32:13+12:00October 29th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Manager Panel – Cryptocurrencies

Manager Panel: Cryptocurrencies

Welcome to the Manager Panel! Each month to supplement the lead article in InvestNow’s Magazine, InvestNow will ask a few of our Fund Managers some questions around a topic. Read below their thoughts on cryptocurrencies, in regards to the September lead article  — Crypto-facto: Investing in the digital asset age.

Pie Funds – Mike Taylor, Executive Director, Founder & CEO

By |2022-09-14T14:33:26+12:00October 4th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Crypto-facto: Investing in the digital asset age

Crypto-facto: Investing in the digital asset age

Article written by InvestNow – 4th October 2021

In a little over 10 years the concept of ‘cryptocurrency’ has emerged from an obscure technical paper outlining a new software protocol for geeks to become a global phenomenon valued by some measures at over US$2 trillion.

However, Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous author of the 2008 paper that introduced ‘bitcoin’ to the world, never used the term cryptocurrency, describing his (or her or […]

By |2022-09-14T14:34:39+12:00October 4th, 2021|All, Investing education|4 Comments

Investing in Bitcoin: Vault Digital Funds

Investing in Bitcoin: Vault Digital Funds

Article written by Vault Digital Funds – 4th October 2021

1. Why should Kiwis include Bitcoin in their investment portfolio?

Reasons why Kiwis might consider including a small amount of Bitcoin exposure in their investment portfolio include:

  • Diversifying their portfolio.
  • It’s potential as a relatively inflation-proof asset, given Bitcoin’s scarce supply.
  • Its longer term potential, given increasing adoption rates and maturing market confidence with institutional and retail investors, which suggest demand increasing over time.
  • […]

By |2022-09-14T15:19:56+12:00September 20th, 2021|All, Investing education|19 Comments

Manager Panel – Preparing for retirement

Manager Panel: Preparing for retirement

Welcome to the Manager Panel! Each month to supplement the lead article in InvestNow’s Magazine, InvestNow will ask a few of our Fund Managers some questions around a topic. Read below their thoughts on preparing for retirement, in regards to the August lead article  — Not enough already: how to make more of KiwiSaver.

Harbour Asset Management – Chris Di Leva, Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager

By |2022-09-14T14:45:36+12:00August 31st, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Investing platform age makes PIEs extra tasty

Investing platform age makes PIEs extra tasty

Article written by InvestNow

July 7 marks an important date in the tax calendar with most end-of-financial-year income tax returns due for filing.

This July, however, will likely pass unnoticed by the majority of Kiwis who benefit from one of the most automated tax systems in the world.

But not everyone will reap the benefits…

Those invested in shares or direct equities might find themselves caught out by an unexpected tax […]

By |2022-09-14T15:07:20+12:00June 30th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

The role of Bonds in an investment portfolio, why you need them

The role of Bonds in an investment portfolio, why you need them

Article written by Hunter Investment Management

Everyone is starting to talk about the risk of rising interest rates and inflation as central banks and regulators maintain strong fiscal and monetary stimulus while, at the same time, highlighting an improving economic growth outlook.

The thinking is that investors should switch out of bonds/fixed interest to avoid losses but even this thinking is compromised by a desire for returns […]

By |2022-09-14T15:08:45+12:00June 30th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

End of the affair: Where NZ investors are heading after the house party is over

End of the affair: Where NZ investors are heading after the house party is over

Article written by InvestNow

Fueled by a steady population increase, limited supply growth and what amounted to generous tax subsidies, Kiwi residential real estate investors have been on the winning end of a one-way bet for decades. 

But in March this year, the property investment odds blew out as the government launched its first serious assault against a sector slated […]

By |2022-09-15T11:17:23+12:00April 29th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments