Mint hits Billion Dollars and has a fresh new look.

A more contemporary look and feel was sought.  It needed to reflect Mint’s brand values and investment approach with the key message that Mint is an investment specialist and investing is its sole focus.  It doesn’t offer other services like advice but prefers to concentrate on the task at hand, which is managing its investors’ money.

Many of the changes to the website have been made behind the scenes, which will allow for further innovation in the future. That said, it has also made it easier to navigate around the website and to access the key information on its funds, all of which are easily accessible on the home page.

One of the key areas of development will be building content that will be more interesting and topical for Mint’s investors.  There will be thought leadership pieces, insights on the growing interest and approach it has around sustainable and responsible investing, and other content that Mint thinks will be interesting and engaging.

Check out the website here: look out for the activities Mint will be involved with during World Investor Week, which runs from the 1 -7 October