Investment vehicle checklist: your ride is here

As InvestNow founder, Anthony Edmonds, explained last month, mapping out your destination by working out your strategic asset allocation (SAA) is the first – and most important – step in planning an investment journey.

While an investor’s SAA helps describe the route, end-point and comfort levels of the proposed trip, an investor has to ultimately choose between different investment vehicles to translate their plan into action.

“Many investors are happy enough taking the bus; others might prefer to drive a car themselves,” Edmonds says. “Or for the thrill-seekers there’s always a motorbike.”

For […]

By |2022-09-15T14:07:13+12:00July 27th, 2018|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Investment travel guide: why your portfolio could take you to Palmerston or the Mount

InvestNow has made it easy and cheap for New Zealanders to get to their investment destinations via a huge range of managed funds

But it doesn’t map out the route for them.

“And that’s because we started with the premise that most InvestNow clients would probably be experienced, self-directed investors – or even advisers,” InvestNow founder, Anthony Edmonds says.

However, Edmonds says a surprising number of novice investors have signed up to InvestNow with many of them searching for further guidance on how to build a diversified portfolio of funds.

“Clearly, InvestNow isn’t licensed […]

By |2018-08-23T16:12:00+12:00June 29th, 2018|All|0 Comments

FX effects: why global share investors must watch the Kiwi flight pattern

Take the mid 1970s, for example, when the NZ dollar out-flew the US greenback – the big bird of global currencies – by about 50 per cent.

But the days when NZ$1 could purchase US$1.50 are long gone. Since that ‘70s high-point, the Kiwi has plummeted back to earth hitting a low of about US40 cents early this century.

More recently the Kiwi has been flapping around erratically in a broad range of between US50 cents and over US80 cents.

The bizarre, unpredictable flight pattern […]

By |2018-05-31T12:48:49+12:00May 30th, 2018|All|0 Comments

Get real: how to build a property portfolio (but avoid the agents)

Property is the foundation of wealth for most New Zealanders. 

According to the latest data from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ), the value of all the country’s houses now surpasses $1 trillion (albeit with about a quarter of that tied up in debt).

KiwiSaver, by comparison, is getting on to about $50 billion – or 5 per cent of the residential property market.

Yet despite the national obsession with houses prices, relatively few Kiwis could claim to be ‘property investors’: most of […]

By |2020-12-10T18:46:42+13:00April 26th, 2018|All|0 Comments

PIEs and PIE tax – your questions answered

PIEs and PIE tax – your questions answered

Article by InvestNow

The disclaimer

The following are a few of the more common questions our customers ask us about PIE funds and PIE tax.  This post does not constitute a warranty or advice. You should seek independent professional advice on investments, tax, legal and accounting matters.

What is a PIE?

A portfolio investment entity (PIE) fund is a type of New Zealand managed fund that invests the contributions from investors in […]

By |2023-04-14T15:56:31+12:00April 23rd, 2018|All, Investing education|0 Comments

The assets are alright: why investing isn’t child’s play

Let’s not kid ourselves, investment markets are chaotic, noisy and self-centred – just like children.

Over the long term, though, markets settle down into pattern-like behaviour that rewards the patient investor in proportion to risk. (Disclaimer: this argument cannot be applied to children under 18.)

Of course, in the midst of a market hissy-fit it’s a little more difficult to remember that this will all be worth it one day. And, for the first time in many years, markets are testing investor tolerance in 2018 with a series of public tantrums.

In February, […]

By |2018-03-29T12:58:30+13:00March 29th, 2018|All|0 Comments

Direct fund platform on target for $250m as Rabo clients clamber aboard

March 18 2018

Over 90 per cent of RaboDirect assets representing more than $100 million will transfer to successor direct fund platform, InvestNow, following an agreement inked last October.

Under the deal RaboDirect investors had until the end of the current tax year to agree to the transfer terms or cash out their holdings.

Mike Heath, InvestNow general manager, said with the deadline fast-approaching the vast majority of RaboDirect investors had already committed to the shift.

The move would see InvestNow […]

By |2022-09-15T14:34:41+12:00March 20th, 2018|All, News|0 Comments

An informed choice: survey says, investors want more

InvestNow clients know what they want. But why do they want it?

“That’s what we want to know,” says Mike Heath, InvestNow general manager, “so we asked them.”

Heath says the InvestNow survey sent out earlier this month, yielding over 300 responses, found the platform’s clients are strategically-focused investors.

Excluding performance, about 75 per cent of respondents ranked the overall investment approach as important when selecting a fund manager. Investment team experience also ranked highly (60 per cent) in determining fund manager choice, he says.

“Those […]

By |2018-08-23T16:14:42+12:00February 27th, 2018|All|0 Comments

ETFs really do it for some Kiwi investors

It appears that a great way to get some Kiwi investors to love an investment fund is to make it an “ETF”, which is short for Exchange Traded Fund.

Since the launch of the first ETF, the S&P 500 ETF (SPY) back in 1993, ETFs have seen tremendous growth globally ($4.5 trillion as at Sept ’17 – source

In the US market, where the investment industry has been built around using the stock exchange as the infrastructure for delivering investment solutions to […]

By |2022-09-15T14:37:27+12:00December 19th, 2017|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Best supporting performance: why bonds should have a starring role in your portfolio

And the award for the best-performing asset class for the 10-year period ending June 2017 goes to (wait for the drum roll)…


A shock result perhaps, but this is no envelope malfunction à la La La Land.

According to Auckland-based consulting firm Melville Jessup Weaver (MJW), offshore bonds were the place to be for NZ investors from the onset of the global financial crisis (GFC) in September 2008 until almost exactly a decade later.

The MJW September 2017 quarter NZ investment survey, which plotted the performance of the five main asset classes […]

By |2019-01-17T11:41:03+13:00November 28th, 2017|All|0 Comments