Investing in Bitcoin: Vault Digital Funds

Investing in Bitcoin: Vault Digital Funds

Article written by Vault Digital Funds – 4th October 2021

1. Why should Kiwis include Bitcoin in their investment portfolio?

Reasons why Kiwis might consider including a small amount of Bitcoin exposure in their investment portfolio include:

  • Diversifying their portfolio.
  • It’s potential as a relatively inflation-proof asset, given Bitcoin’s scarce supply.
  • Its longer term potential, given increasing adoption rates and maturing market confidence with institutional and retail investors, which suggest demand increasing over time.
  • […]

By |2022-09-14T15:19:56+12:00September 20th, 2021|All, Investing education|19 Comments

Manager Panel – Preparing for retirement

Manager Panel: Preparing for retirement

Welcome to the Manager Panel! Each month to supplement the lead article in InvestNow’s Magazine, InvestNow will ask a few of our Fund Managers some questions around a topic. Read below their thoughts on preparing for retirement, in regards to the August lead article  — Not enough already: how to make more of KiwiSaver.

Harbour Asset Management – Chris Di Leva, Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager

By |2022-09-14T14:45:36+12:00August 31st, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

Not enough already: how to make more of KiwiSaver

Not enough already: how to make more of KiwiSaver

Article written by InvestNow – 31st August 2021

Countless studies across the world have revealed retirees share the same number one fear: running out of money.

In fact, global insurance company Allianz Life research found over 60% of US baby boomers fear running out of money in retirement more than death. Similar trends emerged in a recent Australian Allianz survey where pennilessness outranked death as the number one […]

By |2022-09-14T14:47:08+12:00August 31st, 2021|All, KiwiSaver|0 Comments

Murder House memories: why KiwiSaver investors need to brush-up on good financial habits

Murder House memories: why KiwiSaver investors need to brush-up on good financial habits

Article written by David Boyle, Mint Asset Management – 16th July 2021

For many investors who cut their teeth in the 1980s, the crash of 1987 left holes in their wealth and lasting scars. Is there a danger investors today react the same to a similar event? David Boyle drills into the past for lessons on how to avoid the horror…

If you are a certain […]

By |2022-09-14T14:48:40+12:00August 30th, 2021|All, KiwiSaver|0 Comments

No real surprises – FMA research into Kiwis using investment platforms

FMA retail investor platforms research findings – no real surprises …

Article written by InvestNow – 5th August 2021

The FMA published their research yesterday, looking at the adoption of platforms by Kiwis for investing.  The objectives of the research was to understand:

  • The type and profile of investors in retail platforms.
  • Their risks and behaviour within these platforms.
  • The motivations and influences that brought them to where they are.

It’s great to see the […]

By |2022-09-14T15:14:46+12:00August 5th, 2021|All, News|0 Comments

The KiwiSaver hack: “We’ve side-stepped KiwiSaver’s biggest flaw” - InvestNow 

The KiwiSaver hack: “We’ve side-stepped KiwiSaver’s biggest flaw” - InvestNow

Article written by InvestNow – 30th July 2021

Insufficient design

Over the last 14 years, KiwiSaver has evolved from a gleam in the eyes of Sir Michael Cullen to a starring role in the financial lives of more than 3.1 million New Zealanders, topping $82 billion in funds under management. 

However, as popular as it is, of late many have been pointing to its obvious design flaw – the limited ability for one portfolio/investor to invest in multiple KiwiSaver offerings.

Stuff’s Janine Starks […]

By |2022-09-14T15:05:32+12:00July 30th, 2021|All, KiwiSaver|0 Comments

Account safety & security

Account safety & security

Article written by InvestNow – Updated 15th February 2022

At InvestNow, the safety and security of our client’s investments is our top priority. We have several layers of protection which minimise the risk of anyone being able to access your account without authorisation.

At the platform level, we store all data in encrypted disks and servers and require two-factor authentication to access all systems. We regularly review user permissions and access levels; log all access; […]

By |2022-02-18T14:51:51+13:00July 30th, 2021|All|0 Comments

PMG opens door to new generation investors with InvestNow

PMG opens door to new generation investors with InvestNow

Press release written by PMG Funds

PMG, one of New Zealand’s most trusted and established property funds managers, has partnered with online, direct-to-consumer fund platform InvestNow. This collaboration offers InvestNow clients the unique opportunity to invest in PMG Generation Fund, which is open to direct applications via InvestNow from 5th July to 29th July.

Scott McKenzie, PMG Chief Executive Officer and Director, said “InvestNow is an ideal partner to help […]

By |2022-09-14T15:18:13+12:00July 13th, 2021|All, News|0 Comments

Investing platform age makes PIEs extra tasty

Investing platform age makes PIEs extra tasty

Article written by InvestNow

July 7 marks an important date in the tax calendar with most end-of-financial-year income tax returns due for filing.

This July, however, will likely pass unnoticed by the majority of Kiwis who benefit from one of the most automated tax systems in the world.

But not everyone will reap the benefits…

Those invested in shares or direct equities might find themselves caught out by an unexpected tax […]

By |2022-09-14T15:07:20+12:00June 30th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments

The role of Bonds in an investment portfolio, why you need them

The role of Bonds in an investment portfolio, why you need them

Article written by Hunter Investment Management

Everyone is starting to talk about the risk of rising interest rates and inflation as central banks and regulators maintain strong fiscal and monetary stimulus while, at the same time, highlighting an improving economic growth outlook.

The thinking is that investors should switch out of bonds/fixed interest to avoid losses but even this thinking is compromised by a desire for returns […]

By |2022-09-14T15:08:45+12:00June 30th, 2021|All, Investing education|0 Comments