What performance data is available for funds?

You can access two forms of performance data for the funds we offer – the performance returns for funds you hold in your InvestNow portfolio, since you have held them, or historical performance data going back up to 10 years, where available.

Performance Data for My Funds

On your PERFORMANCE page we provide a simple bar chart which shows the returns for each asset you currently hold, since inception of your portfolio – you can sort this by the name of the asset or the value of the $ return.  We also […]

By |2019-06-14T13:16:26+12:00May 6th, 2019|, |Comments Off on What performance data is available for funds?

Is term deposit interest compounded?

We do not offer compounding interest payments for individual term deposits. Term deposit interest is paid back to your transaction account.

However, you can choose to automatically roll over a term deposit at maturity, including both the principal and interest in a new term deposit.

By |2019-06-14T13:15:01+12:00September 24th, 2018|, |Comments Off on Is term deposit interest compounded?

Can I end my term deposit early?

We may, at our discretion, and following consultation with the specific bank, allow you to break your Term Deposit (TD) and return the funds to your Transaction Account.  Please note that there may be fees charged by InvestNow, the bank and our custodian to process any approved break request.

The following steps apply to all requests to break IDs:

  1. Call us on 0800 499 466, email us on contact@investnow.co.nz or use the Contact Us form with details of the TD you wish to break.
  2. We will obtain a quote from […]
By |2023-10-06T15:44:05+13:00September 24th, 2018||Comments Off on Can I end my term deposit early?

What happens when my term deposit matures?

If you have elected to have your term deposit automatically roll over, we will create a new term deposit for you and confirm when this has happened.

Depending on the bank your deposit is with, the new term deposit will either be created on the maturity date or the next business day.

If you have not chosen an automatic rollover option, your principal and interest (net of withholding tax) will be paid to your InvestNow transaction account. Please note that interest is not paid on funds in your transaction account, so you […]

By |2023-10-06T15:48:38+13:00September 24th, 2018||Comments Off on What happens when my term deposit matures?