Will I receive a tax report?

InvestNow produces a consolidated tax report which includes FIF calculations (FDR and CV methods) where required, and a summary of other taxable income including listed PIE dividends and term deposit interest. Note that a tax report is not provided for investors who only have holdings in PIE funds and do not have a zero PIR, as PIE tax is a final tax and so this information is not required for your tax return.

The InvestNow Tax Summary Report is a tax summary in order to assist the investor or their accountant […]

By |2021-04-08T18:14:18+12:00March 13th, 2017||Comments Off on Will I receive a tax report?

How does InvestNow make money?

Fund managers pay InvestNow to have their products on the platform, reflecting that they want investors to be able to readily and easily access their funds via InvestNow.

Any funds you choose to invest in have fund charges associated with them that are levied by the fund manager. The fund charges for funds on InvestNow are the same as you would experience investing directly with any of our fund managers. A small number of funds also have transaction fees* that InvestNow levies, which are applied in addition to the fund charges.

*More […]

By |2024-08-21T10:42:23+12:00February 12th, 2017||Comments Off on How does InvestNow make money?

At the end of the tax year, if I have a PIE tax obligation, how is it paid?

If you have any outstanding tax liability payable at the end of the tax year, we will pay this to the IRD on your behalf.

Prior to the PIE tax year end, we will send you an e-mail with a provisional calculation of your tax obligation. This will be followed by another email in early April once the final PIE calculations have been completed. After around a week, we will debit your InvestNow transaction account for the amount of PIE tax payable. However, if you do not have sufficient funds available […]

By |2021-04-08T18:08:30+12:00February 6th, 2017||Comments Off on At the end of the tax year, if I have a PIE tax obligation, how is it paid?

How will tax on my Managed Funds be paid?

At the time you sell any units in a PIE managed fund or at PIE tax year end (31st March) your PIE tax liability will be paid by InvestNow on your behalf and returned to the IRD.

For Australian-domiciled managed funds which are not PIEs, InvestNow does not pay tax on your behalf and you need to report income from these funds on your tax return. Your Tax Summary Report will contain a summary of the taxable income from these funds including both the Fair Dividend Rate (FDR) and […]

By |2021-04-08T18:07:50+12:00January 9th, 2017||Comments Off on How will tax on my Managed Funds be paid?