Which Managed Funds pay distributions and how frequently do they pay them?

Which managed funds pay distributions and how frequently do they pay them?

You have the option of either having distributions paid as cash into your Transaction Account or reinvested to purchase additional units in the relevant fund.

This preference is applied to all Funds in your InvestNow account.

Macquarie Asset Management

The Macquarie Income Generator Fund pays a fixed monthly distribution. The distribution rate is reviewed on or around 1 April and 1 October each year, and unit-holders are advised by email of any change.

The following funds pay a half-yearly distribution, calculated on […]

By |2022-05-09T12:02:55+12:00December 18th, 2016|, |Comments Off on Which Managed Funds pay distributions and how frequently do they pay them?

Do any minimums apply for when I want to sell any Managed Funds?

Yes – if you chose a dollar value for the sale, the sale can be no lesser than the indicative unit price for one unit. If you chose to sell a number of units, it has to be for at least one unit in the fund.

The minimum cash withdrawal amount from InvestNow is $1.

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Why do some funds have no performance data?

“Where a fund has not been active for at least 1 year, there is no performance data available.

The data is sourced from The Disclose Register. This is a register for offers of financial products and managed investment schemes under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.”

By |2019-06-14T13:46:43+12:00December 18th, 2016|, |Comments Off on Why do some funds have no performance data?

What fund performance data is available?

On the Invest page we provide 1 Year & 5 Year performance data. This data is net of fees and before tax.

The data is sourced from The Disclose Register. This is a register for offers of financial products and managed investment schemes under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.

This data is updated within the month following the corresponding updates on The Disclose Register (currently quaterly January, March, July & December).

The Disclose Register is provided by the New Zealand Companies Office and can be found at https://www.companiesoffice.govt.nz/disclose.

By |2019-06-14T13:47:29+12:00December 18th, 2016|, |Comments Off on What fund performance data is available?