Sunday Star Times – Braced for a correction

Thank you if you took part in our recent survey, where we asked customers how they would respond to a material correction in global equities.  It’s really important to us that our investors are asking themselves the “what-if” questions, so they are prepared for possible future events.

Rob Stock, Sunday Star Times, wrote a piece on what you told us.

Take a look at his spin on it here.

By |2018-08-23T11:05:16+12:00November 28th, 2017|All|0 Comments

Sunday Star Times – Braced for a correction

Rob Stock – November 12 2017

You may recall the article in our November magazine, where we surveyed our customers, asking them whether they  would buy, sell or sit still if global share markets fell by 10 per cent in the space of a week, and if that was followed by a further 20 per cent over a week.

Rob Stock (Fairfax Media) also referred to the survey results, for his article  in the Sunday Star Times last weekend … have […]

By |2018-08-23T16:13:13+12:00November 14th, 2017|All|0 Comments

InvestNow acquires RaboDirect NZ’s Managed Funds Business

Date: 3 October 2017

InvestNow acquires RaboDirect’s Managed Funds product line

Wellington-based managed funds platform InvestNow has acquired the Managed Funds product line of RaboDirect, the specialist online savings business of Rabobank New Zealand Limited, following a robust vetting and selection process by Rabobank.

InvestNow founder, Anthony Edmonds, says the RaboDirect Managed Funds acquisition is a massive endorsement of the InvestNow direct-to-consumer fund service, which has grown funds under management to over $100 million since launch in January this year.

“The fact InvestNow has attracted more than $100 million under management in less than […]

By |2022-09-15T14:30:56+12:00October 2nd, 2017|All, News|0 Comments

The Listener – A DIY guide for would-be investors

2nd September 2017

We featured in Patrick Smellie’s “The Smart Money”, in the recent edition of the Listener.

Written by Sophie Boot, she focussed on “a new class of online platforms, giving mum-and-dad investors, student investors or young professionals with a spare bit of cash more options than ever to invest their money themselves”.

Click the thumbnail to download the full article as a pdf.

By |2018-05-31T15:05:48+12:00September 6th, 2017|All|0 Comments

How to be a responsible investor: from ESG to SRI

Last year the New Zealand funds management industry apparently experienced the financial equivalent of a religious conversion, switching en masse to the ‘socially responsible investment’ (SRI) persuasion.

In less than 12 months, according to the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA), the amount of NZ funds devoted to SRI jumped from $1.6 billion to about $43 billion – an increase of almost 2,700 per cent.

Simon O’Connor, RIAA chief, said the NZ survey result was “one of the most significant global changes to happen to the [SRI] sector in 2016”.

“We have never […]

By |2022-12-09T13:29:19+13:00August 25th, 2017|All|0 Comments

The My Documents Page

Each month we’d like to talk you through some of the key features of the InvestNow service, and the details behind the pages in the secure website.

This month it’s the My Documents page.

As the name suggests, this page contains the full range of documents available for your InvestNow account.

The documents are filed under three headings:

  • Portfolio reports – reports specific to your portfolio
  • Fund documents – documents relating to the funds offered by InvestNow
  • Contracts – the executed client agreement for the InvestNow service

All of the reports in your My […]

By |2017-11-25T07:25:06+13:00July 20th, 2017|All|0 Comments

How to cash in on cash

As at the end of May this year Kiwis had more than $215 billion sitting around in bank deposits, according to Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) statistics.

That huge wad of cash – split between about $137 billion in term deposits and the remainder ‘on call’ – represents New Zealander’s single largest financial asset. Interest-bearing bank deposits, in fact, dwarf both the $40 billion plus KiwiSaver (which itself has about 10 per cent invested in cash) and the roughly $35 billion […]

By |2017-07-21T01:18:10+12:00July 20th, 2017|All|0 Comments

Find the right fund more easily

As the range of funds on InvestNow continues to grow, we are conscious of making it easier for you to find the funds you are wanting to invest in.

We’ve added some new filters to the Our range of funds page:

  • Fund Manager (the name of the Fund Manager)
  • Sector (by type of fund)
  • Fee Estimates (0-1%, 1-2% or 2-3%)
  • Fund Type – Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) vs. Australian Unit Trust (AUT)


Once you have found the fund you are interested in, you can either download the PDS or link through […]

By |2017-06-27T02:54:21+12:00June 22nd, 2017|All|0 Comments

The Holdings Page

Each month we’d like to talk you through some of the key features of the InvestNow service, and the details behind the pages in the secure website.

This month it’s the Holdings Page.

As you’d gather from it’s name, the Holdings Page provides you with the detail behind your portfolio.  Aside from the current value of your portfolio, which is based upon the most up-to-date unit prices available, it provides you with the following:

Different ways to view your portfolio

Here you can select between:

  • Type of Assets – Cash vs Managed Funds;
  • Top […]
By |2017-06-22T02:56:42+12:00June 18th, 2017|All|0 Comments

To be, or not to be, an active (or passive) investor

This is the question: is active funds management worth the effort?

As far back as 1609 William Shakespeare was mulling over the active/passive conundrum in one of the most famous passages from his Netflix mini-series, ‘Hamlet’ (working title: ‘CSI Copenhagen’).

“Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,” the procrastinating Danish protagonist whined.

“Or to take arms against a sea of troubles.”

Often misinterpreted as a contemplation on mortality, Hamlet’s speech was actually a query posed to the Danish Investment […]

By |2022-09-15T14:31:59+12:00June 18th, 2017|All, Investing education|0 Comments